writing, editing, publishing
writing, editing, publishing
Q: What’s the best way to use journal entries in a memoir? Should I quote myself as I would a passage from a book?
A: I believe journals and diaries are goldmines for memoirists and life story writers for two main reasons . . .
Q: I’ve written the first draft of my memoir. My sister and I have been estranged for years. I know I have the right to tell my story, and yet I don’t feel good about using her real name without her permission. Do you have any ideas for how to approach her about it?
While authors may get themselves through the publishing process just fine, many of us lose steam and confidence as soon as our books are published. We’re no longer working with the writing groups, editors, designers, and publishing assistants whose help and encouragement kept us motivated and on task. Now, it’s just us, our books, and the launch we were too busy with book creation to have planned or even considered. This post about planning the perfect book launch event is for authors on all publication pathways.