Photo by Dorka Hegedus
Got this writing thing down but don’t know the first thing about publishing?
Confused about the difference between hybrid and self-publishing?
Looking for clarity about whether you need a literary agent?
Wondering how to begin engaging your target readership?
This video might help.
Book Publishing and Marketing 101
Self-publishing can be a fun DIY project. It can also feel a lot like the head-exploding emoji. Please avail yourself of my Self-Publishing Book Production Checklist to keep you on track. Do bear in mind that every project has its own needs and rhythm. Use this checklist as a guide, but stay flexible and listen to what your book is telling you too.
Self-Publishing Book Production Checklist
I’m a big proponent of writing book proposals, both for traditionally published AND self-published books. I know many authors would rather get a root canal, but writing a proposal is a valuable focusing exercise, and it will help you strategize for marketing—something self-published authors must handle independently. Follow this template and I promise you’ll thank me later.