Manuscript Evaluation for Memoir and Life Story
editing services
manuscript evaluation, editing, coaching, ghostwriting, book proposals
Manuscript evaluations benefit authors who have taken their book-length projects as far as they can on their own and seek next steps and a path to the finish line. Every manuscript evaluation is unique because I tailor each one to the specific needs of the manuscript presented. In general, evaluations include a lengthy editorial letter that covers:
Big-picture advice about elements like grammar, structure, tone, voice, and consistency
Observations on sections or chapters that would benefit from more or less story, including where an additional chapter or section might be warranted
Thoughts on titles
Advice on treatment of sensitive topics
Reading recommendations—books or articles that could be helpful in preparing you for the next revision of your work
Thoughts on publishing
Answers to any specific questions you have about your work
A manuscript evaluation is, in effect, a roadmap to your book’s future.
Once you’ve had time to review the manuscript evaluation, we schedule a one-hour Zoom or phone call to cover any questions and get you going on next steps.
Read more about why I love manuscript evaluations HERE.
Developmental and Substantive Editing for Memoir and Life Story
A developmental or substantive edit is more invasive than a manuscript evaluation. I dig in to your story and make in-document observations and suggestions on the following elements:
Pacing and flow
Point of view
Word choice
Treatment of sensitive topics
Treatment of problematic characters
Places where more reflection would strengthen the story
A developmental edit also includes global comments on grammar.
A developmental or substantive edit delivers an author a manuscript ready for the next revision.
Once you’ve had time to review my developmental or substantive edit, we schedule a one-hour Zoom or phone call to cover any questions and get you going on next steps.
Coaching for Memoir and Life Story Writers
Following a manuscript evaluation or a developmental edit, many authors find that a one-on-one coaching relationship helps keep them motivated to write and focused on the finish line.
Every project is different, and every author has unique needs, but in general a coaching relationship means we proceed together through your book, smoothing it out as we go and incorporating the changes suggested in the manuscript evaluation or developmental edit. We have regular check-ins over email, phone, or Zoom—author’s preference.
Authors set the pace (though I’m happy to give deadlines). We take as long as it takes to get each section or chapter to a level of writing and storytelling that makes you proud.
I also work in a coaching capacity with authors who need help completing the first draft of a manuscript.
More Services
Once you’ve addressed the “big picture” of your project, through a manuscript evaluation or developmental edit, you’re ready for line or copy editing. I group these two levels of editing together because I find most authors benefit from a hybrid approach. In this phase, I address your work at the sentence level, maintaining your writing voice while making suggestions on and correcting for:
Sentence structure
Copy editing’s 3 Cs: consistency, clarity, and correctness
Many authors know exactly what they want to say, but not how to translate their thoughts to the page. Through a series of video interviews, we will together create a book that tells your story in your voice.
Book proposals sell books to agents and publishers. They’re also wonderful organizational tools, and they help authors collate information about themselves and their projects in ways that can be used later for book promotion and social media. I sold my own memoir to a New York publishing house through a well-written book proposal. If you’re an author whose appetite for writing ends where your book ends, contact me for proposal help.